Sunday, July 1, 2012

Damage in the District

Hello there!
I hope everyone has had a great weekend and is rested up for the short week. I can't say I'm rested with all the happenings that went on this weekend but I sure am ready for a 2 day week since I've got the 4th of July off and will be spending Thurs and Fri in Louisiana!

What sort of happenings are you referring to, you ask? Well let me share...

Damage in the District:

Take 1 -- DERECHO damages the District! A derecho (Spanish: derecho "straight", pronounced [de̞ˈɾe̞tʃo̞][1]), is a widespread and long-lived, violent convectively induced straight-line windstorm that is associated with a fast-moving band of severe thunderstorms in the form of a squall line usually taking the form of a bow echo. Derechos blow in the direction of movement of their associated storms, similar to a gust front, except that the wind is sustained and generally increases in strength behind the "gust" front. A warm weather phenomenon, derechos occur mostly in summer, especially June and July in the Northern Hemisphere. They can occur at any time of the year and occur as frequently at night as in the daylight hours. (Thanks, Wikipedia)

Honey and I had a girls night Friday which involved an awesome pitcher of Honey's homemade sangria, playing "hot or not" with my wardrobe and letting the boys (Tripp and Beau - Honey and Chuck's black lab) play. Jay sent a couple of texts at about 10:30 describing a bad storm that was coming through that we needed to be aware of but when I looked outside, all was calm.  About 10 minutes later it sounded like it was pouring outside but to our surprise it was just ridiculous wind of DERECHO! Needless to say I took Honey home via car so she didn't get knocked out by a flying tree and saw the damage below - keep in mind this was only about 10 minutes after the storm started.  When I got back about 7 minutes later my apartment was ready to flood due to the terrential rain that had picked up. The storm cleared out within 45 minutes or so.  It was a doozy though and I'm not sure that DC residents could handle a hurricane! News reported over 3million people in the greater DC area without power - and this weekend has been a record breaker for high temps.  Sheesh!

Next door

Clean up the next morning

Take 2 -- Courtman shows that age doesn't damage having a good time!
Sorry - no pics here but we had a great time celebrating Courtman's 28th birthday out in the H Street Corridor.  We started at Sticky Rice(great sushi bar that turns into a fun dance bar with 80's music and music videos) then went to the Beer Garden (great outdoor patios and mist machines help us to keep our cool).  We all got together for a delicious brunch this morning at Busboys and Poets in Shirlington - a precious town right outside of the District.  I hate we don't have pictures but we'll continue celebrating Court and how awesome she is on the 4th and will make sure to take pictures then!

Take 3 -- I did damage to some homemade baked goods!
My friend Alyssa shared a great recipe for homemade granola so I've been eating the heck out of some parfaits!  I also made a Yonge family tailgate favorite: peanut butter brownies (as seen in Some Like it South).  I sent them with Jay for his fishing trip but those boys didn't finish them and I just can't let food go to waste ;) YUM!

Take 4 -- I did some damage on some eggs! 
I was hankering some good old fashioned scrambled eggs Saturday morning and decided that two would be plenty.  Until 2 actually turned out to be 4! The two eggs I selected from the carton both had double yolks!  What are the odds? Well, I asked a former coworker who is a brainiac statistician and he said "Odds of a single double-yolk egg are about 1/1000, but big eggs have them more often. Plus, if you find one in a pack, you're more likely to find a second from the same batch. So maybe 1/10,000?"  So it may not be THAT rare, but I think I'll buy a lotto ticket or two just in case.

So as you can see, there was some major damage in the District!!!
Well, that's all for me! I'm looking forward to celebrating our nation's birthday on Wednesday and heading to LA for the weekend! I hope y'all have a great one!

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